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Modern Captive Breeding by Peter Gill 现代人工繁育
Part 1--Getting Started 第一部分 开始阶段
In this and three further articles I will be giving information on the captive breeding of birds of prey. I will be referring to all the major knowledge and practical skills areas. My aim will be to provide a basic grounding. However even though I have given me more space than is often possible in a web-site, it is important to note that only the major points can be conveyed and that in many cases there is substantially more detailed information to be imparted. This additional information will be available from a variety of sources and if you stay with me until the fourth and final article I will give you some pointers in that direction. In this first Article I will cover commitment, planning, choice of breeding stock, housing and nutrition. In addition to being of help to the tyro propagator, I also hope these articles will give some indications to falconers on how much time, effort, planning and cost is involved in producing a quality eyass raptor. From the falconers' point of view, it is well worth bearing in mind that the quality of the young bird produced by a breeder for the falconer, will depend on the quality of the rearing processes and nutrition used. This will translate into the bird's performance in the field later on
在第一篇和接下来的三篇文章中,我会给出猛禽人工繁育的信息。我会谈到主要的技术和实用的技术。我的目标是给大家提供一个基本的知识基础。然而,我在网站上透露的信息毕竟有限,我只能稍稍介绍下主要的技术点。剩下的细节性的东西还需要大家自己额外查阅。如果你从第一篇一直看到第四篇和最后一篇文章,我会告诉你一些关键点。在首篇文章中我会涵盖投资, 计划,种隼选择 ,笼养以及饲料营养配比。 另外,为了有益于繁育者的理解学习,我也希望这些文章会告诉鹰猎者抚育一个优质的猎鹰所需要的时间,精力,金钱等。从训鹰者的观点看来,抚育的过程和食物营养配比决定了 雏鸟长大之后的品质。这将在雏鸟今后放猎过程的表现中得到体现。
Commitment and Planning 投入和计划 When starting to plan any breeding programme, bear in mind that success is directly proportional to the amount of work, time and effort you are willing to put into the project. It is assumed for the purpose of this series of articles that the raptors you are aspiring to produce are for falconry use, and/or for future captive breeding. Before beginning you should consider carefully before taking on the task of captive breeding. As well as the cost both in financial terms and in time, if you are the type who gets uptight or upset when things go wrong, then this is not the pastime for you. After personally experiencing all the ups and downs (and there are more downs than ups) of captive breeding, it is easy to see why most falconers take the option of not bothering to breed their own birds. During the mid eighties, with raptor prices spiralling, quite a few people jumped onto the captive breeding bandwagon. It seemed an easy way to make money. Many found this was a cloud without a silver lining, and having paid big prices, produced nothing. If financial reward is your major incentive, rather than a byproduct of your breeding success, 1 strongly advise you to invest your money in something else. Also keep in mind that good falconers do not necessarily equate to successful raptor propagators. Although a good grounding in falconry is required, it is avicultural skills, albeit specialised ones, that have to be learnt.
当开始计划繁殖某种猛禽之后,记住你投入的金钱和精力越多,你就越容易获得繁育的成功。如果你是为了繁殖放猎用的猛禽或者未来的人工繁育。 开始前你要三思而行因为猛禽繁育要求大把的金钱和大段的时间,,如果你手头紧,或者遇到挫折之后,你就会很烦恼,你就不适合尝试猛禽的人工繁育。在经历了大起大落之后,你就会很容易的体会到为什么大多数的人不会去自己繁殖猛禽。在80年代中期,随着猛禽价格的节节攀升,相当多的人开始繁殖。它似乎是一条致富之路 ,但是许多人发现这根本就是一条没有出路的投入,很多人把钱打了水漂。 如果你主要是为了追求经济上的回报,而不是为了成功繁育出属于你自己的猛禽雏鸟,我强烈的建议你去投资其它项目。 并且谨记好的鹰师未必就是好的猛禽繁育者,尽管繁育过程需要牢固的基础鹰猎知识,但是也有别的特殊的知识技能要掌握。
The first choice to be made is what species you intend to breed and by what method of propagation. I will not be presumptuous and recommend a species, as this is purely down to an individual choice. Although no raptors are easy to breed, if from the human angle, you are a beginner then you will find that the Harris hawk and Saker falcon are two of the easiest species to persuade to reproduce. When choosing a species, the long-term requirement of that species within the falconry community also has to be taken into account. For instance, in the UK the common Buzzard has been a primary choice of the novice falconer for a good few years and rightly so. However, with the increased number of captivebred Harris and Redtail hawks available today at very modest prices, the Buzzard is now being overlooked. So why breed a species that nobody wants? Sure, some people will want Buzzards in the future, but my own 24 year old pair have averaged 4 young per year for the past 20 years and that's a lot of prospective new owners to find, believe me.
首先要抉择的是你要繁殖哪个品种以及繁殖的方式。我不会给出任何建议,因为这纯粹是个人的喜好。尽管没有哪种猛禽容易繁殖,但是如果你是一个刚刚开始的新手,那么你会发现哈里斯鹰以及猎隼是相对来说最容易繁殖的两种猛禽了。 在选择一种想要繁殖的猛禽种类的时候,长期供求关系对于选择品种也有影响。最近,英国的主要趋势训猎普通狂,然而,随着哈里斯鹰和红尾狂人工繁殖数量的增加,训狂的人少了。 因此为什么要繁殖一种大家都不爱要得猛禽呢?当然会有一些人在将来需要狂 ,在过去的20年里,我自己的一对24岁的大狂平均年产4个雏鸟。
It is also worth considering concentrating on those species you are especially interested in, as my view is that if the interest is lacking then results in terms of productivity will reflect this. Like any commercial breeder of raptors, I have to endeavour to predict what species and in some cases subspecies, falconers are going to want to buy in the future. I must also consider the needs of all of my customers, whether it is a friend from Arabia who wants a Gyr hybrid for Houbara hawking, an experienced falconer in the UK who wants a Gyr hybrid or Peregrine for game, or a beginner who wants a Buzzard or a Harris hawk to make a start
值得考虑集中 精力到你感兴趣的种类上,我的观点就是————兴趣是最好的老师。 正如经营商业化的猛禽繁育者, 我不得不预测什么品种和什么亚种的猛禽是热门。 我必须考虑到消费者的需求,无论一个要一个矛隼杂交体抓波斑鸨的阿拉伯朋友,还是一个经验丰富的要矛隼杂交体或者游隼放猎的英国鹰匠, 或者一个要狂或者哈里斯鹰来入门的新手 Initial Breeding Stock 初始的种隼
The acquisition of the initial breeding stock is one of the most important decisions to make. My own preference is to obtain young birds and wait for them to mature. Indeed 90% of our stock, which equates to around 100 birds were either bred by ourselves, or obtained in their first few months of life. I can see why the tyro propagator obtains adult individuals or proven breeding pairs to try and speed up the chance of success. In the majority of cases where we have taken this route, results have been poor. If an adult bird is to be obtained, it is imperative that a full history of the bird is known (how was it reared? was it used for falconry? has it been tried for captive breeding?). By obtaining your breeding birds as youngsters you are in control of their subadult history and as will he seen through this series of articles, the more control you have, the better the chance of success. So, the next decision is whether you intend to breed from natural pairs or by the use of voluntary artificial insemination with imprinted raptors. The use of imprints is increasing in popularity with breeders here in the UK but it is fair to state that the main success with imprints has been with falcons, and to a lesser degree eagles, rather than accipiters and buteos.
选择初始的种隼非常重要, 我更偏爱获得雏鸟并喂养它们到性成熟。事实上我的种隼中90%都是我们从雏子养大的(野外掏的),或者是在出飞前就抓到的。我知道有些繁育者试图获得成熟的亲鸟来加快繁育的进程。但是事实上以我们的经历来看绝大多数并不成功。如果获得了一个成隼 ,你无法了解它的全部历史和成长经历,例如它如何被抚育长大的? 是否曾经驯化过来打猎? 是否尝试过人工繁育? 如果获得幼鸟 ,你就会掌握它的成长历史。你掌握的越多,你成功的机会就越大。 因此, 下一个决定就是要自然交配还是对印痕隼进行人工授精。印痕的使用在英国繁殖者中越来越多,但是坦白说这种印痕的成功主要应用于隼类,和少部份的雕类,而不是雀鹰属和狂属。
Choice of Birds for "Natural Pair Breeding Projects" 对自然繁殖的种鸟的选择
So lets look at methods of rearing young raptors for future 'natural breeding'. In the UK there has been a long history of "fully parent reared is the only way to go!" This is generally understood to equate to young raptors reared from hatch or at least ten days of age, by parent birds in a breeding pen, void of human contact. However my experience is that birds reared in these circumstances are comparatively nervous and "jumpy" in the breeding pen when they reach adulthood. If you do choose fully parent reared birds for a "natural pair" breeding project then you will find that birds reared in seclusion, stand a far better chance of breeding if flown for falconry first. The reason for this is all down to stress levels. It's quite simple, birds that feel stressed in captivity don't breed. This is because hormones produced when a bird feels stressed such as adrenaline suppress the production of sex hormones which are required for the bird to come into breeding condition. 让我们来看看你未来抚育雏鸟的方法,对于未来的所谓的自然繁殖。在不列颠王国,长期以来一直有亲鸟完全抚育雏鸟的传统。大体可以理解为完全由亲鸟孵化或在雏鸟出生10天之内人类不要去触碰雏鸟。然而我的经验却是,如果这些雏鸟在那样的环境下长大,相对来说当它们长大后也会感到对于环境的紧张和压迫。如果你选择 完全由亲鸟抚育的自然繁殖方式,你会发现 如果先期就对它们进行鹰猎训练对于繁殖大有裨益。 原因在于压力层面。 很容易理解, 当隼在笼舍中感到局促不安时, 激素的分泌将会紊乱, 性激素达不到繁殖的水平。
The fully parent reared approach is great for birds destined for a career in falconry such as hybrids, and some birds will of course breed via this rearing method, but when it comes to maximising your chances, the two most productive methods of rearing for future captive breeding are: 1. Rearing by imprinted birds with a certain amount of human contact. 2. Hand reared in large groups often known as creche reared or cohort raised.
完全由亲鸟繁育的方法在繁育杂交隼方面更胜一筹,并且有些这样抚育出来的隼也会再进行繁育。 但是为了最大化你的繁殖机会, 我给你2个抚育的方式 1 通过人工印痕抚育 2 大规模的手养
Choice of Birds for imprinting If the use of imprinted birds is your chosen method, then I strongly recommend that whenever possible you imprint the bird yourself. I keep around 50 imprinted falcons and with a couple of exceptions the ones I imprinted myself are more productive than the others. Other breeders have also found this to be the case. When importing imprinted birds from a breeder, it is worth asking if the breeder has the necessary time available, to imprint the bird properly, as commercial breeders in particular are very busy at that time of the year. An alternative is to pay a falconer from the country of export to do it for you. The money will be well spent to receive a bird that is imprinted correctly 印痕鸟的选择 如果你选择印痕鸟的方式,那么我强烈建议您亲自去对鸟进行印痕。我发现在我养的50只印痕的隼中,我亲自印痕的隼繁殖产量会比其他的隼好。其他饲养者也发现这一情况。当你引入铭印的鸟,值得一问的是饲养者是否有所需的足够时间正确地给隼印痕,特别是作为商业饲养者在每年的那个时候都会非常忙碌。一种可替代的方法是雇鹰隼出口国的其他鹰把式来替你铭印。能获得一个正确印痕的隼,会使你雇佣鹰师的花费物有所值。
Picking the Individuals. 选择繁育个体 Once you have chosen the species you intend to breed the next decision is to pick the individual birds. There are two points to take into account. The first of these is a falconry one. For the breeder it is imperative that as much information on the parent birds is obtained on previous progeny produced by them with regards to their falconry successes. Information on size, weight and colour are all questions rightly and commonly asked when people ring us for a falcon. Sometimes people also ask how good its siblings and parents performed in the field, and what style of flight they produced, and in my view this should he a major consideration. This is something we are working to develop at Falcon Mews and as time goes on we will be able to give more and more information in the area of falconry performance. By speaking with the breeder and other falconers who have had experience with that lineage, a close assumption of its falconry style and potential can be made. All too frequently a small difference in the price of individuals swings the buyer towards one bird, but if the individual bird doesn't fit your requirements, it will certainly result in a false economy in the long term. 一旦你确定了你要繁殖的种类,你将要挑选要繁殖的个体,有2点值得注意。第一点是要选择能放猎的隼。繁育者必须了解你要买的种鸟在放猎方面有多成功。当一位客户试图打电话要跟我们买隼时,关于隼的大小,重量,颜色等信息都会被问到。有时候,人们同时也询问雏鸟的同代以及父母在放猎时候的表现以及它们的放猎方式。这是我们Falcon Mew(作者的场名)努力要提高的,随着时间的累计,我们将提供日臻完善的信息。通过和繁育者以及其他对于该品系经验丰富的鹰猎者的交谈,大体可以判断出我们想买的隼的习惯放猎方式和狩猎潜力。通常价格上的小差别会让我们改变要买哪只隼的决定,但是如果购入的种隼是不符合自己的需求,长久来看反而会导致经济亏损(不要因小失大)。
The second point to consider is the performance of the lineage in the breeding chamber. Again some detective work will have to be carried out. For example some Goshawk lineages have proven far more productive, with less aggression problems than others, even after being reared and kept under the same parameters.
I find that a lot of our regular customers who are ordering falcons for falconry purposes, order falcons bred from specific parents which have previously produced top hunting performers, rather than just a particular species. With this in mind, the days of pairing any individuals up just because they show signs that they may breed have long gone. I now have to plan specific breedings, to accomplish eyasses of a specific standard. Selective breeding is the only way forward.
The breeding chamber繁育室
When planning and building pens, it is essential that you cheek if any planning permission is required. A great deal of practical thinking should be put into planning of your pens and you should aim to think through all of the following: siting, dimensions, access arrangements, building materials, flooring materials, nest ledge design, perches, food ledges, observation methods, baths, and security needs. Pressure of space means 1 can only touch on these areas, but some key considerations are as follows: Siting will depend on your circumstances but obviously major considerations are accessibility for you, and if you can choose somewhere relatively unexposed to the elements so much the better. With regard to size a lot of breeders state very specific dimensions and designs for breeding pens, and the tyro may assume that if these are deviated from, then the occupants will refuse to breed. This is totally untrue. The main requirement is that the raptors feel safe and at ease within their chamber. Dimensions should he down to what you believe is sufficient, strongly taking into account the occupants 'quality of life'. 1 believe that medium sized raptors, paired for natural breeding, should have a chamber with a floor area of at least 20 x 10 feet and at least 8 foot high and higher if possible. Our imprint pens are all about 12 x 8 feet in size. We are quickly moving away from the 'skylight & seclusion' type chamber and providing our pens with a window to look out of. The amount of close visual disturbance that is present in your particular circumstance should dictate whether or not you fit a window. The window can be a vertical bar affair or simply a oneinch diameter hole for the birds to view out. A window is still probably not feasible under most circumstances for passage caught accipiters in breeding projects, owing to their nervous nature.
When it comes to choice of materials, this to a certain extent comes down to cost, though of course you must always aim to use the best you can afford, and never use materials which are poor quality or unsuitable for the job. For example fence panels should never be used as they fall short on both quality and strength. We tend to build using concrete blocks and/or exterior plywood. We now only build pens with solid roofs as we find this type of pen more appealing to both the inhabitants and ourselves. This is particularly true when dealing with imprints, as you want to spend time with these birds when you want, and not be dictated to by weather.
Probably the most difficult problem to overcome is the type of floor to use. Earth floors in outside pens can over time harbour disease. Concrete floors soon get green and slimy. Pea gravel seems to be the best answer but is still not ideal. We use dust free pine wood shavings in our inside chambers. Numerous people who have visited us have questioned the use of shavings on the basis that it may be a possible source of aspergillosis. We have had no instances of this, even with species kept on them that are very susceptible to the complaint i.e. Goshawks, Golden eagle and Gyr falcon. If the shavings are kept dry then fungal problems should not occur. Indeed fresh pine is a natural disinfectant. Nutrition Very little scientific research has been carried out into raptor nutrition. Of all the areas of research needed in raptor propagation this is at the top of the list. The difference between an average diet and one approaching optimal nutritional requirements can be the difference between being successful with your propagation attempts and failure. Suboptimal diets can manifest themselves via infertility, poor hatchability and weak chicks through to no breeding activity at all and in severe case disease and illness in the adults. Numerous falconers have viewed a general concern that captivebred birds seem to be getting smaller. This is not something I have noticed in my own birds but enough falconers have commented on this with regard to birds bought elsewhere for it to be an issue. One answer generally given is genetic inbreeding, but although this could he a reason 1 believe suboptimal nutrition at the time of rearing, to be a more realistic answer. To the novice, a diet that is as close to the bird's wild prey would seem to be the ideal choice. Well, apart from the problems of obtaining the prey source in sufficient quantities and the health risks associated with wild food, is it nutritionally adequate for the captive raptor? We believe it isn't, for the following reason. There are around forty known nutrient requirements (and probably more) which a raptor receives from its prey. These consist of fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins and trace elements. In the wild, the energy requirement of a raptor dictates the amount of food, which it needs to eat. So if for sake of argument and as an easy to follow example, a wild female Peregrine eats 300 pigeons per year to meet its immediate energy requirements, which is obtained from the protein and fat content from the pigeons. At the same time it consumes all the vitamins, minerals and trace elements from the pigeons it requires to keep the body functionally correctly. Once the Peregrine enters a breeding pen its energy requirements drop. To fall in line with this drop, and based on my experience, the Peregrine now eats up to a third less food, so it now eats 200 pigeons. The problem is that all the vitamins, minerals and trace elements have also been reduced by a third. It is not known precisely what levels of these the raptor, requires for the body to function correctly, but it's almost certain that this shortfall of a third is far too much. So the ideal diet is one with an energy level, which meets the raptors immediate needs and contains all the other nutrients at the sufficient levels required. This is where the two areas of research are required. First, what are the exact requirements of these levels, and second what food source can be produced in captivity and under what dietary conditions do they need to be fed, to reach the levels required. Of course this is impossible to work out exactly, as the requirements will vary for different species, between sexes within a species, ages of birds, the time of the year etc. etc. but I hope this has provoked some thought on how complex diet is and how far we are from finding a form of optimal nutrition. With these problems in mind, we are strong believers in giving our birds nutritional supplements. Increased supplementation can be achieved by placing the supplements directly onto the food source, or by feeding the food source high levels of supplements when they are being reared. Of course there is a limit to the level of supplements, which the food source can hold in its body. Supplement enhanced quail, are the most often used food source if this avenue is to be taken. It should be remembered that whatever you decide to feed your raptors, the nutritional content is directly proportional to the food, which the food source has been fed itself. In an ideal world and from a control point, it is better to breed and rear the food item yourself. This may not be practical in most cases, but some investigative work should be undertaken as to how your supplier has reared your food. We never feed wild food, simply because of the disease factor. It is though possible to go too far the other way. Let's say for example we handrear a Merlin on laboratory-produced mice. As the Merlin has never been in a nest with other siblings and parent birds, and as it has been fed a very clean mammalian diet, will its immune system be strong enough to cope once it catches and eats its first Skylark? A closed sterile system of rearing chicks does not work when rearing birds for falconry. Of course we have to be as clean as possible in choice and preparation of food used for rearing, but total exclusion of germs from the outside world is not possible and not required. With regard to water, raptors should be given the option of fresh water at all times. Some females at the egg laying stage will drink regularly, after all, an egg consists of around 70% water. Most food items have to be frozen and stored, and again great care should be taken with your freezing and thawing techniques. By far the best method is blast freezing. Some food suppliers have invested a lot of time and money to perfect their freezing and storage methods here in the UK From the point of view of the falconer buying a young bird for hunting, nutrition is obviously crucial as it affects the quality of the bird and its subsequent performance in the field. An eyass Harris with a calcium deficiency which breaks its leg on its first hunting day out, means a ruined hunting season as well as being heartbreaking from a personal point of view. In extreme cases problems can occur even before the bird gets to the field. Some propagators go for the cheapest option where nutrition is concerned, and the results can be seen when observing their progeny, if they have managed to produce any. A simple test asto whether an eyass has received enough calcium in its diet, is to run your finger the whole length of the breastbone. If any bends or chinks can be felt, particularly towards the bottom of the sternum, then this is a positive sign that the calcium level received during its growing period was insufficient. Some Concluding Thoughts With the proliferation of raptors, bred and offered for sale each year, it would appear to the ill informed that all aspects of raptor propagation are straightforward and any initial problems have now been totally overcome. This is far from the truth. After breeding various raptors for twenty years and reflecting on all the information and experienced gained, there are still questions to be answered. More research is needed, particularly into areas such as nutrition, and hopefully Falcon Mews and other breeders will have the opportunity to carry out this research in the future.