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原装进口全新马歇尔Field Marshall 5000 接收机!
马歇尔FM100 有100个频点,可跟踪10个发射头。
马歇尔FM1000 有1000个频点,可跟踪100个发射头。
马歇尔FM1000 是5波段中任选1个波段,非5波段同时存在于一机上。
马歇尔FM5000 有5个频段,5000个频点,可跟踪500个发射头。
主参数: 双转换超外差式样综合接收机
马歇尔Field Marshall 5000 UHF433频率实拍图
【鹰具高清细节图】买鹰具认准鹰鹘苑,直达网址:YingLie.net (鹰猎)
MAXIMUM SENSITIVITYGetting the best range requires having the most "useful sensitivity" in a receiver. The combination of receiver, the matching cable and the antenna designed for specifically for it consitute a complete package that must work in harmony to achieve the most sensitivity possible. The Digital Field Marshall will give the most range, especially in cities or areas of "unwanted radio noise."HIGH-END PACKAGING AND ERGONOMICSElectronics are housed in a robust case machined from a solid block of aircraft aluminum and has been designed to give many years of trouble free operation.Purposely made for heavy use outdoors, this tracking receiver is designed to give you more years of demanding usage through the widest range of temperatures, travel and weather than any other. Sealed connectors, mylar speakers, overlapping seams all make this receiver the most durable design now on the market.
PICK UP ANY FREQUENCY YOU WANTSince this receiver doesn't rely on crystals to determine the frequencies it can cover, we've given it more capacity. An all-digital circuit allows the same receiver to pick up any frequency in the 215 through 219 MHz bands allowing every frequency you could possibly want or just the ones you need to match.
Best of all, if you change your mind down the road, your same receiver can easily be converted to a different band thus protecting your investment.
EASY TUNINGA broadened, smoothed tuning mechanism means that tuning into the signal is a pleasure and much faster than before.
Tuning with the new tune knob is broad and is protected from accidental contact so it's not easily bumped off your tune setting when getting in and out of the vehicle.
Higher Sensitivity: With the new digital receiver board inside the Field Marshall, we've improved sensitivity by another 3dB so that it is the best possible. This means a significant increase in reception distance for the same transmitter.
The actual sound of the receiver has been improved through the elimination of harsh harmonics and distortion, making it easier to track weak signals and far more pleasant to listen to.
Three red LEDs now illuminate the entire control panel for better clarity in the dark without compromising your night vision.
NEW QUICK-RELEASE HANDLEAs great as it is to have a handle on long walks or when holding the receiver out the window, there's times when it's better without it. Greater portability and reduced size is achieved without the handle on a third axis.
So, how to have it both ways?
Answer: The new Quick-release handle. Now, you can choose when to use it and when to put it away in another pocket. Even though it's tight and secure with its bracket mount, it takes only seconds to remove it using the thumb wheel screw-on design.
Those who've now used it, love it.
RECONFIGURABLE DESIGNNot only can the handle be quickly removed, it also attaches directly to the antenna. This gives you three different ways to configure your receiver.
So, now you can have it any way you'd like: use everything together in one single piece, hold the smooth and smaller case in your hand without the handle, or wear the box safely around your neck and connect the handle directly to the antenna to hold outside the window in the rain.
SPEAKERS ON TOP AND BOTTOMHold the receiver down waist high and you have two speakers facing up at you. Hold it up high for better reception and you still have a speaker facing down at you. By incorporating three speakers, the sound on the Field Marshall has been increased in volume.
And yet it's also quiet where it needs to be: A new narrow-band filtering system is employed rejects noise better without reducing your signal, so you hear the signal more clearly with less distracting background noise, even for the weakest signals.
More importantly, it has improved the sound's omni-directionality which means the volume doesn't change as you rotate the receiver, a definite problem in other receivers that leads to erroneous perception of the signal strength in certain directions.
Nearby transmitters on other channels sometimes cause interference to your reception, but this receiver has special circuits to minimize the effect.
The improved rejection of noise near power lines means you can hear weak signals better and increase your range.
Better Range Estimation: The range settings (Medium and Near) have been adjusted so that you know it's time to start walking. You can therefore switch between these in most situations to get a better idea of how far from you the bird or dog really is.
HIGH-END PACKAGING AND ERGONOMICSElectronics are housed in a robust case machined from a solid block of aircraft aluminum.
Purposely made for heavy use outdoors, this tracking receiver is designed to give you more years of trouble free operation through the widest range of temperatures, travel and weather than any other. Sealed connectors, mylar speakers, overlapping seams all make this receiver the most durable design now on the market.
NARROWER CASEIn addition to all the performance improvements made to this receiver, Marshall Radio engineers redesigned and shrunk receiver board to about 20% less total area, with everything fitting inside the case much more efficiently leaving and no wasted space. We then asked our external design team to "vacuum pack" the case down to the absolute minimum required, with no wasted airspace on the inside, no needless bulk on the outside. The result is a smaller overall receiver.
With the handle removed, the slimmed down design fits even better in your hand. Designing the outer case to be hand-held required we make additional changes, like a larger radius on all corners, and counter-sinking the earphone and power jacks to make them flush with the surface of the case, all of which just makes it feel more like an over-sized iPod in your hand.
Turns out the case is much more stout and rugged than even the previous generation Marshall receivers.
It's also designed to use six AAA batteries, cheaper to replace, and easier to change.
SMALLER, EVEN MORE RUGGED COLLAPSIBLE YAGI ANTENNAWe kept the same, field proven, collapsible, three-element directional antenna design for maximum directionality. It's a full gain yagi when deployed, but now it collapses to an even smaller size. We reduced the size of the brackets, the sliding booms and eliminated the need for cables, cable savers and big springs found on the previous design. Also rugged solid rods are now used for the elements instead of hollow tubes.
Improving the shielding on the case also means an improvement in how the antenna works for you. It's simple now to track up to within inches of a transmitter lost in the grass with the same pin-point directionality you get at a distance. The full-size three element yagi gives the best range and directionality of any antenna, and reduces the "back lobe" which sometimes fools people into tracking 180 degrees backward, in the wrong direction.
LIGHT WEIGHTUsing newest generation electronic components and creative packaging allows us to fit a lot into a small space.
And, our committment to using aluminum alloys which have the maximum strength to weight ratios makes this receiver as light and strong as technically possible.
EASY TO TAKE WITH YOU IN THE FIELDA key mechanical design breakthrough of all Marshall receivers is the collapsible yagi antenna. The full-sized three element antenna (shown above right) can be reduced in size by half when fully closed.
When collapsed down into its stowaway position, and put into its hoslter (included with every new receiver), the new Field Marshall makes a small and compact piece of equipment to take with you into the field.
Why do you use a three-element yagi antenna?
We have found it to be superior in both gain and direction finding, and therefore have designed a collapsible version unique to Marshall that can be folded down to a very small size.
Is the Field Marshall water-proof?
Almost. The receiver is not designed to be used in very wet conditions, yet it will hold up in light rain. If it is accidentally submerged through accident or fall, it should be drained and allowed to dry before re-using.
Does the car adapter recharge the batteries?
The car adapter is designed to bypass the batteries and power the receiver for extended periods inside the vehicle in order to save the batteries, to preserve them for long walks away from the car. Therefore, the Field Marshall uses common easy to find AAA batteries which are not rechargable.
What do I do if there is a problem with the receiver?
Return the receiver to your local Authorized Marshall Radio Distributor who will forward the equipment to our headquarters for repair or replacement. If there is not an Authorized Agent near you, you can return it to us directly using this address:
Marshall Radio Telemetry, Inc. 896 West 100 North, North Salt Lake, UT 84054    Attn: Warranty Repairs

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